English translation: Realization of the institutional prescriptions, instigator and reflection of the practices of classroom, the manual is not much studied for itself, otherwise as easy scapegoat or as archetype of outdated pedagogic forms, excluding from the new education. But it is an unquestionably fascinating study subject and the argument it triggers gives much information on the disciplines - and their teaching aids - that take them. From defendant, it becomes revealing. Instrument of its time, it reflects the tensions it went through, at the crossroads of the school institution for its direction [leanings], from the private sector for its production, from classrooms but also from home for its usage. From the hackneyed melody to the claimed or criticized polyphony, its building [creation] brings questions at the present time with the new technologies. Important cultural product, it adapted itself with the passing of the time and cannot disappear. One can predict a future for it, even if one knows not how the latter will transform it. The first part of this work takes an interest in the manual, its history and its recent transformations under the influence of the communication and information technologies. The second one hand over to a dual discipline: history and geography. The third one provides the point of view of the science and mathematics teaching aids. The fourth one offers an opportunity to leave the hexagone [France] to have a brief overview on the issues it brings in other countries, but certainly also in France.
Category 1 - Australian Competitive Grants (this includes ARC, NHMRC)