Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic development that results in a deeper perception of reality be part of it? Do we have a better form of education than what we have currently perceived? In this book, the author attempts to answer the above questions identifying some of the less obvious limitations of our current pedagogical and social practices. In what he terms as authentic education, the author presents a deeper and multidisciplinary approach to education in which learners are uniquely identied and characterised based on their psychological and neurological traits in order for them to be sent through individualized learning plans spanning the whole life. In an integrated approach to education and human development, individual differences are given special attention and accommodations are made for all-round humanistic development enhancing creativity and wisdom in day-today life operations. Better educated human beings in this way would become better decision makers or problem solvers and more empathic and content personalities. Such an authentic education system has the promise of providing solutions to some of our long-standing social problems.