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Current trends in eye tracking research

posted on 2017-12-06, 00:00 authored by Michael Horsley, Matt Eliot, Bruce KnightBruce Knight, R Reilly
Eye tracking research and research methodologies are becomingly increasingly common in many disciplines from psychology and marketing to education and learning. This is because eye tracking research and research methodologies offer new ways of collecting data, framing research questions, and thinking about how we view, see, and experience the world. Researchers are also making new findings about the way that the visual system works and the way it interacts with attention, cognition, and behaviour. As a result, research based on eye tracking research methods is increasing in every discipline. New studies using eye tracking technologies are continually being published and new applications of this innovative way of conducting research are being shared by researchers from every continent and country. Analysis of researchusing eye tracking methods is growing exponentially. Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research presents a range of new research studies using eye tracking research and research methods from a wide variety of disciplines. The research studies have been chosen to chronicle the wide applications and uses of eye tracking research. Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research is comprised of new and innovative studies using eye tracking research and research methods and showcases innovative ways of applying eye tracking technologies to interesting research problems. The book collects the research of over 55 researchers and academics currently using the eye tracking research and introduces the work of a number of eye tracking research laboratories and their key staff and research interests. Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research is designed to explore a broad range of applications of this emerging and evolving research technology and to open the research space for wider sharing of new research methods and research questions. The book incorporates a number of new studies and introduces a number of new researchers to the practitioners of eye tracking research. Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research also focuses on lessons learned in conducting eye movement research across multiple institutions, settings, and disciplines and innovative uses of existing technology as well as pioneering implementation of new technology in a range of research contexts and disciplines, key challenges, and important discoveries in moving from raw data to findings and challenges and opportunities related to situating individual research efforts in a larger research context. Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research is divided into four key sections. Each section provides a central theme that integrates the many chapters in that section.Part I is titled Eye Tracking and the Visual System and is concerned with research on the operation of the human visual system. The chapters in this section overview eye tracking and the human visual system research, and provide a series of chapters that examine how to explain the operation of the human visual system and fundamentalresearch on the use of eye tracking to deepen and strengthen our understanding of the complexity of visual processes. Part II is titled Aligning Eye Tracking and EEG Data and is concerned with research that reports on the alignment of EGG and eye tracking data. The chapters in this section overview fundamental research finding on how to link eye tracking and EEG data. The chapters in this section also address some critical research questions in integrating eye tracking data with other forms of data. The four chapters also overview current approaches to research on this alignment process. Part III is titled Eye Tracking and Marketing and Social Applications and is concerned with eye tracking based research in a range of social science and marketing disciplines. Each chapter provides a different application from a different discipline — from marketing to aging, from mental illness to evaluating forgeries to understanding what people see when they read financial reports. Each chapter provides a novel application of eye tracking research methodology in the social sciences. Part IV is titled Eye Tracking and Education and is concerned with research on learning using eye tracking methodologies. The five chapters focus on fundamental research problems in learning such as reading comprehension and the visual mechanics of comprehension, learning to read complex visual displays, and the development of student self-regulation skills. The section also explores the use of think aloud research protocols for multilingual learners.


Category 3 - Industry and Other Research Income


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Springer International Publishing

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